Lumpy Bumpies part 1…

My brain is a bit scrambled with everything that has happened in the last few days, so I made today a weaving day to clear my head.

I’m trying out something called collapse weave using some of the lace weight yarn I bought with my birthday money and some hand spun wool singles made from the merino Ewan dyed for me with food colouring a few weeks ago. It was a bit pale, so I blended it into some rolags with some other shades of wool, spun it up and now I’m weaving with it.

Collapse Weave Experiment

It won’t look the same once washed, it should form pleats, or gathers as the wool shrinks, while the cotton stays the same, in a similar way to a seersucker fabric would. It could be a disaster, who knows! Part of the fun is just trying it out for the first time. If it works out, I may try making a few scarves for the shop.

Collapse Weave Experiment

Bead and Button

On Friday Kina and I went to the Bead and Button Show in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It is probably one of the largest bead show is the US, other than the ones in Tuscon, Arizona. I took my camera to the show, but was too wrapped up in the atmosphere to remember to take photos on the day. It was lovely to see Lisa Peters and her Mum, Donna again, and to meet Facebook friend Carol Dean Sharpe for the first time – I hope you had a great show Carol!

This is what was added to Merlin’s hoard at the show:


Last week I was on Facebook chatting to Jen about wire work and wirework tools, and she asked me if I would like to write a guest blog for her blog over at Beading Daily, an offshoot of Beadwork magazine. If you would like to see the result, here is a link to the article:

Which Wire Cutters Are Best For Me?

If you are visiting this blog from the link on Beading Daily, welcome and I hope you enjoy the website.

Just Like Starting Over…

I haven’t blogged much over the last few months, some of you may know the reasons for this. I’m beginning to work on some new jewellery pieces again, this time at my own pace. As of today I am 11 weeks and 5 days pregnant, so I am taking each day as it comes, some days I have lots of energy to bead, and other days not so much. I’m in the middle of writing up a couple of designs as patterns and I hope to have them available soon.
Starting Over